Below are my five favorite slime recipes. Also, a quick note: make sure that any of the ingredients you add to your slime recipe are not going to irritate your kiddos’ skin. It is always best to ere on the side of caution. If your slime is too sticky, add more liquid starch. If you slime is too runny, add more glue. Even with precise measuring, you will most likely still have to experiment to get the desired consistency.
Fluffy Slime
Glitter Slime
Glow in the Dark Slime
Calming Slime
Slime is great and fun, but why should you let your kiddos play with slime? Is there any benefit, or are they just going to be holed up in their room playing with weird goopy stuff? Making and playing with slime can have great benefits.
It seems as if the slime craze is here to stay. Embrace the mess, and reap the hidden benefits. Just don’t forget the two best reasons to make slime with your kids: getting to spend quality bonding time with your kiddo, and it is FUN!